Author: Hassan Awwad
May 13th 2018

Due to long summer months in Dubai, some people like to believe that winters never come to this region of the world. While winter does come to Dubai, it does not like to stop by for long and the meeting is more like winter waving goodbye at Dubai from a distance. However, the bond between summer and Dubai is quite a strong one. Not only is it sunny and hot for most part of the year in city, the temperature can rise beyond tolerable limits too.
If you think you are the only one bothered by this scorching heat, you are wrong. The heat can also affect your car just as much. So, now that the spring season is going to end, here are some tips to help you prepare your car in Dubai when the summer is approaching.
- Get Your Engine in Good Shape
The engine needs your attention first, all else comes later. Not only is engine maintenance more detailed than the maintenance of any other part of the car, it will cost you more too. When it comes to the engine of your car, the three most important components you want to check include the following:
- Coolant
- Oil
- Belts and Hoses
Be sure to check the breather bottle before entering the hot summer season to keep your car’s engine cool. Overheating is going to be a constant pain in the neck if there is not enough coolant in the bottle. You should be cautious when checking the radiator and removing its lid. As for the oil, the first thing you want to be sure of is the quality of the oil. Visit a mechanic for an oil change and any advice on the type of oil you should use if you are a new driver. Lastly, check the belts and hoses carefully to find any leakages. Check the status of the spark plug as well.
- Get a New Battery
Heat is not just the enemy of your engine but it equally affects the life and functioning of your battery as well. Your battery’s life is the fluid inside it and the overheated conditions of Dubai in summer cause the fluids to evaporate at a much faster rate. If you have bought a relatively new battery, fill the battery with the new fluid. However, if you have been using the same battery for more than a couple of years, it is highly recommended that you change it altogether.
Even if your battery is new, you should check its status by examining the terminals. If you find any corrosion on the terminals, it might be an indicator that you need the battery replaced or the terminals fixed. If you have an acid-battery in your car, it is best that you go to a professional mechanic to see how good your battery fluid is. You have to know that you are good with a battery for three to five years but only when you have been regularly checking and maintaining it.
- Get the AC Repaired
This is probably the component that you are most seriously thinking about whenever summers are approaching. Of course, it is very close to impossible to drive in Dubai’s summer without air conditioning. In fact, even a mediocre air conditioning unit is not enough to keep you cool in the scorching heat of the region. Your AC has to be working at its optimum performance levels in order to help you drive through summer with ease. Do not rely on the current performance of your air conditioning unit. What you want to avoid is sudden breakdowns that are very common with AC units in summers. To avoid a troublesome situation, get a regular maintenance checkup even if your air conditioner is working okay.
- Go for Window Tint
You might not know the severity of the summer of Dubai if you are new here. You should keep in mind that the conditions here are extraordinary. In August, the day time temperature can go as high as 43-degrees Celsius. Even when your air conditioning unit is doing its best, you could end up feeling the sting of the sun because of how hot it is. The best option here is to tint your windows. Yes, it is not legally allowed to get your windows completely opaque. Whatever color you get on the windows, be sure that your tint level is not more than 50%. You will be fortunate to get your windows tinted to 50% level since the rule was 30% just a little more than a year ago.
- Conduct a Mandatory Tire Checkup
It is the tires of your car that receive most of the beating of the weather. As the temperature of the road surface rises to the point of frying an egg, your tires must be in good condition to keep up with this drastic change. Keep in mind that tire blowouts are more common in the hot days of summer. It is imperative before the summer arrives that you conduct a mandatory checkup of all the tires of your car and get the necessary fixes done. If the surface of any of your tires seems bumpy, you should get it replaced as soon as possible. Furthermore, you should also replace any tires that are showing signs of excessive cracking.
While you are taking all the necessary measures of preparing your car for the summer heat, you should also pay some attention to yourself. Despite all the checkups and priority maintenance fixes, you should keep yourself properly hydrated and have a bottle of water available with you in your car. You should have access to fluids in the event of a car or AC breakdown. Last but not least, always keep the most frequently used tools handy when you are traveling in hot conditions. You might not always find some mechanic nearby, and so having the right tools would help get out of the trouble fast.